
We can’t wait for you to join the 2025 Miles for Monarchs Campaign! Before creating an account, please read the following:

If you wish to register as a team or organization, please designate a team leader before creating an account. The team leader will need to create an account and register first in order to create your team.

Registration Pricing

-Adult- $24

-Youth- $16

-Households- $70

Team: A team consists of a single team leader who will register first and an unlimited number of paid team members. Team members must register separately.

Household/Classroom: A household consists of at least one adult and multiple youth. By selecting this option, the person registering will be in charge of adding and managing the miles of each household member. Teachers, this will be your best option if you wish to register your class.

No Yes
By checking this box, you confirm that you are 18 years of age or older.